Access, Collection and Research on Biological Resources in Sarawak
Application No.:_____________
Project Title :
Name of Applicant :
Name of Researcher(s) :
Please tick (/) which is applicable. For further information please refer to Sarawak Biodiversity Regulation, 2004.
Research on Biological Resources |
Collection and Research on Protected Resources |
Export on Biological and Protected Resources |
Sale of Protected Resources |
Research on Ethnobiological |
? Please ensure that all information is provided in order to avoid administrative delay.
? Please send completed research application form in BOTH soft and hard copies
Part 1 ORGANISATION PROFILE This part consists of information on the organization in which the applicant is affiliated to. All fields MUST be completed by the applicant. Commercial organizations are ALSO required to complete Attachment 1. |
Name of Organization |
Registered Address |
Correspondence Address |
Business Address (if applicable) |
Tel. No |
Fax No. |
Website |
Date of Establishment |
Registration No. |
Summary of the organization’s core business |
Contact person for further information the organization
Part 2 INFORMATION ON THE APPLICANT AND RESEARCHER(S) This part must be completed by the applicant and EACH researcher/team member involved in the project. |
Part 2a Personal Details |
Name |
Sex |
Date of birth |
Place of birth |
Citizenship |
IC/Passport No. |
Correspondence Address |
Permanent Address |
Contact No. (Office) (Home) (Mobile) |
Fax No. |
Occupation |
Designation |
Organization/Institution |
Department |
Purpose of Research (Ph.D, M.Sc etc) |
Field of Study |
Role(s) of Applicant/Researcher |
Names of accompanying persons (accompanying members are not allowed to work or carry out research) |
Citizenship |
Age |
Relationship |
Occupation |
Part 2b Supervision of Project |
Name of Research Supervisor/Advisor |
Address of Institution |
Occupation |
Designation |
Area(s) of Expertise |
Contact No. (Office) (Home) (Mobile) |
Fax No. |
Part 2c Researcher’s Educational Details & Professional Training |
Names of Institutions |
Year |
Qualifications gained |
Major fields of Study |
From To |
Part 2d Related Research Experience in SarawakProvide brief description of related research experience conducted in Sarawak, if any. Please include dates, description and details on publications related. |
Part 2e Related Research Experience outside Sarawak Provide brief description of related research experience conducted outside Sarawak. Please include dates, description and publication, if any. |
Part 2f Area(s) of Expertise & Special Qualifications |
Part 3 PROJECT INFORMATION This part needs to be completed only ONCE per application |
Part 3a Project Title |
Part 3b Project Classification e.g. botanical, zoological, microbiological, mycological, ethnobotanical, etc. |
Part 3c Project Abstract |
Part 3d Project Background |
Part 3e Project Objectives |
(i) |
(ii) |
(iii) |
Part 3f Proposed Work Schedule Please include Gantt Chart with expected starting and ending dates of research activities, dates of submission of draft and final reports |
Part 3g Research Methodology This part is to be completed according to the outline as provided in the form. |
(i) Type of biological resources to be collected in terms of species, parts of organism and quantities
(ii) Type of biological data to be collected
(iii) The time of executing or carrying out the collection activities |
(iv) The place of executing or carrying out the collection activities |
(v) The methods of executing or carrying out the collection activities |
(vi) The local informants involved in the case of ethnobiological research |
(vii) The use(s) of the collected biological resources |
(viii) The plan for evaluation of the biological resources collected |
(ix) The final destination of the biological resources collected |
Part 3h Institution(s) Name(s) and address(es) of the Institution(s) in which the research/analysis will take place. |
Part 3i Expected Results and Programme Output |
Part 3j The anticipated and final destination of the information resulting from the access, collection and research |
Part 3k The anticipated uses of the information and end product |
Part 3l Financial Sponsor The financial sponsor must disclaim and waive all rights to any discovery or invention which may result from this project and any other activity pertaining to any biological resources of Sarawak. Please complete Attachment 2. |
(i) Name |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Amount |
(iv) Terms and conditions of sponsorship |
Part 3m Permission To Enter Project Location Please specify the permit(s) number and attach a copy of the permit(s) from the relevant authority. For ethno-biological research please attach a copy of the Letter of Consent from the community leader. |
Part 3n Local Collaborator (If applicable) Collaborator is required to monitor, advise, facilitate and participate in the implementation of the research activities. Please complete Attachment 3. |
Statement by Applicant
I confirm that the particulars given in this application are correct.
For Official Use |
Incomplete documentation
Re-apply with amendments
Action to be taken
Comments/Remarks |
This application is approved/rejected by the Sarawak Biodiversity Council on ____________________.
Sarawak Biodiversity Council
Attachment 1
SHAREHOLDERS’ PROFILE (You may use a separate sheet if the space below is insufficient) |
Shareholder |
Shareholder |
Shareholder |
Shareholder |
* Please attach Audited Financial Report of the previous year.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ PROFILE (You may use a separate sheet if the space below is insufficient) |
Director |
Director |
Director |
Director |
Name |
Address |
Tel No. |
Fax No. |
Email address |
IC/Passport No. |
Citizenship |
Date of birth |
Place of birth |
Position in the Organization |
Appointment date |
Qualifications |
No. of Shares |
KEY STAFF’S PROFILE (You may use a separate sheet if the space below is insufficient) |
Staff |
Staff |
Staff |
Staff |
Name |
Address |
Tel No. |
Fax No. |
Email address |
IC/Passport No. |
Race |
Citizenship |
Date of birth |
Place of birth |
Position in the Organization |
Appointment date |
Qualifications |
No. of Shares |
Attachment 2
Researcher: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
I/We the undersigned hereby declare that I/we waive and disclaim all rights and interests whatsoever, to any discovery or invention arising from research, using the biological resources of Sarawak, carried out or undertaken by the above named researcher.
Signed by: Witnessed by:
Signature: ……………………………………………
Signature: ……………………………………………
Name: …………………………………………………
Name: …………………………………………………
Designation: …………………………………………
Designation: …………………………….…………..
On behalf of:
(Name and seal of the Institution)
Dated this on …………….…day of ………………………
Attachment 3a
Chief Executive Officer
Sarawak Biodiversity Centre
Project Title: ………………………………………………………………………………..………..…………..
Researcher (Permit Holder): ..……………………………………………………..………………….…….…….…
I, the undersigned, of ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (full address), hereby declare that I agree to be the Local Collaborator in this research project and agree to abide and accept the responsibility as stipulated in the agreement to be signed between the researcher (permit holder) and the Sarawak Government. I also declare that I have obtained the approval of my institution to fulfill the obligations of being a collaborator in this project (letter of approval from my institution is attached as attachment 4b)
Signed by:
Signature: ………………………………………….
Name: ……………………………………………….
NRIC: ………………………………………………..
Institution: …………………………………………
Witnessed by:
NRIC: …………………………………….…….…….
Dated this on …………………….day of ……………………..
Attachment 3b
Chief Executive Officer
Sarawak Biodiversity Centre
Project Title: ……………………………………………………………..……………………….……………….
Researcher (Permit Holder): ……………………………………………………………………………………………..……
This is to confirm that ………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………….…….…… (institution) has given approval for ……………………………………………..……..………………………………………… to be the local collaborator in this project and to make use of the facilities and resources of the institution in the discharge of his obligations as the Local Collaborator in this project.
Signed by:
Signature: ……………………………………….……
Name: …………………………………………………
Designation: …………………………………….……
On behalf of:
(Name and seal of the Institution)
Dated this on …………………………. day of ………………..……
Part 3 ? Project information
This part needs to be completed only ONCE per application.
? Part 3a ? Title of the proposed project.
? Part 3b ? Classification of the project. (E.g. botanical, zoological, microbiological, mycological, ethnobotanical, etc).
? Part 3c ? Abstract of the project.
? Part 3d ? Background of the project.
? Part 3e ? Objectives of the project.
? Part 3f ? Proposed work schedule.
Please include Gantt Chart with expected starting and ending dates of research activities, dates of submission of draft and final reports.
? Part 3g ? Research Methodology.
This part is to be completed according to the outline as provided in the form.
? Part 3h ? Name and addresses of the Institution in which the research/analysis will take place.
? Part 3i ? Expected results and programme output.
? Part 3j ? The anticipated and final destination of the information resulting from the access, collection and research
? Part 3k ? The anticipated uses of the information and end product.
? Part 3l ? Financial sponsor.
The financial sponsor must disclaim and waive all rights to any discovery or invention which may result from this project and any other activity pertaining to any biological resources of Sarawak. Please complete Attachment 2.
? Part 3m ? Permission to enter project location.
Please specify the permit(s) number and attach the permit(s) from the relevant authority. For ethno-biological research please attach a Letter of Consent from the community leader.
? Part 3n ? Local Collaborator (if applicable)*.
Local collaborator is required to monitor, advise, facilitate and participate in the implementation of the research activities. Please complete Attachment 3.
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