____ Academic ____ Commercial
1. Project Title
2. Project/Research Objectives
2.1 _______________________________________________
2.2 _______________________________________________
2.3 _______________________________________________
3. Places of Collection
Projected date of implementation and reason
4. Bioresources and quantity (if possible) (indicate live or dead specimen specify if by-products or derivatives)
5. Methodology (use separate sheet if necessary)
6. Manner data to be gathered (recorded, photographed, video, collected, observed, etc.) and format (notes, specimens, photographs, etc.)
7. Anticipated intermediate and final destination of bioresources, etc.
8. How bioresources obtained are to be used initially (i.e. national collection) subsequently (e.g.) drug exploitation, field guide preparation, etc.)
9. Description of funding support with budget (use separate sheet if necessary)
10. Analysis of the research of foreseen impact on biological diversity.
11. Detailed description of immediate compensation anticipated.
12. Detailed description of long-term compensation anticipated.
13. List of in-country entities likely to receive compensation enumerated in # 11 and reasons (logical and legal)
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