The Missouri Botanical Garden releases samples only under specific conditions to support appropriate research projects. Samples in the Garden’s DNA Bank have been collected solely for the purpose of supporting molecular phylogenetics and will be released only for the study of relationships of plants or for studies aimed at improving our understanding of evolutionary mechanisms. Samples will not be made available for bioprospecting endeavors, screening for genes of interest in agricultural research, or any other commercial application.
In order to defray a portion of the costs of maintaining, expanding and distributing the special collection, a contribution of $25.00 per sample supplied is requested. For students and those individuals without adequate funding, a request for a complete or partial waiver should be addressed to the Curator of the Herbarium, Missouri Botanical Garden, P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, Missouri, 63166-0299, USA.
As a condition of release for any samples specified on the attached list, each applicant agrees to abide by the restrictions stated above and also agrees to:
1) All requests to pass either material provided by the Garden or extracted DNA to third parties must be approved, via a material transfer agreement, by the Curator of the Herbarium.
2) Acknowledge both the Missouri Botanical Garden and each individual collector of material provided in each publication in which data is used.
3) Provide the Garden with reprints from all resultant publications.
4) Publish jointly with Garden staff members or their foreign collaborators whenever appropriate.
5) Register GenBank/EMBL accession numbers.
Please provide the following information for each request (available on database screen):
Taxa Name: ______________________________________________
Family: __________________________
TROPICOS Specimen ID: ______________
DNA Sample Type(s): _________________
Geography: _________________________________________
Collector(s) & number: __________________________________________________
Collection Date: ____________________
I ___________________(name) of __________ (institutional acronym) certify that I have read and understand the above restrictions and agree that I will conform to all of the regulations of the Missouri Botanical Garden.
Signature ________________________ Date _____________________
Please print this form and send the completed version to:
Curator of the Herbarium, Missouri Botanical Garden, P.O. Box 299, St. Louis,
Missouri 63166-0299, USA
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