


Sample MTA


This overall Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) will govern the exchange of selected biological material between the University of Nangijala and the University of Uppsala, jointly referred to below as the Parties. This MTA is based on a collaborative research contract between the parties and may be amended where any national laws or regulations require it, or upon the mutual agreement of the contracting Parties. It is understood that all exchange of biological material will be done strictly in accordance with the principles set out in the Convention on Biological Diversity.

物質移転契約 (MTA) は、以下当事者であるNangijala 大学とウプサラ大学間の選択した生物材料の交換を規定する。この MTA は、国内法令に従い、あるいは契約当事者間の合意に基づいて修正可能であるが、両当事者間の共同研究契約に基づいている。生物材料の交換のすべて生物多様性条約の原則に従って厳密に行われることを理解しなければならない。


The Parties therefore agree to the following terms and conditions:




1: Definitions

Biological material means any material of a plant or animal, or microorganisms or other genetic resources or derivatives thereof.

Provider means provider of biological material and may be the country providing a genetic resource collected from in situ or ex situ sources, including populations of both wild and domesticated species, according to the principles of the Convention of Biological Diversity. Provider may also be an institution providing part of a plant or animal, or microorganisms or other genetic resources or derivatives thereof.

  • 定義





2: Designation of Implementing Agency

Depending on the situation in the countries of the respective Parties, several options for the designation of implementing agency are possible:

第2条 実行機関の指定



2.1 University X hereby designates an authorized representative from Faculty Y as the competent University X representative for the purposes of this MTA. Such a representative should be at the level of Director/Dean/Chairperson, or be an appropriate representative. For clarification, it is agreed that the Faculty Y shall be responsible for ensuring that all national laws and procedures in force in Country U, relating to the exchange of biological material, are respected. Faculty Y shall make reasonable efforts to inform individual researchers/investigators of the national laws and procedures relevant to this Agreement.


2.1  X大学は、Y学部の権威ある代表者として、このMTAの目的のため、指名される。このような代表者は、学長/学部長/議長のレベルかそれに相当する代表者でなければならない。明確化のため、生物材料の交換に関わる、U国で有効なすべての国内法および規則が尊重されることを、Y学部が保証する責任を負うことが合意されている。Y学部は、この契約に関連する国内法と規則について、個々 の研究者/調査者に知らせる合理的な努力をしなければならない。


2.2 If the University has not designated an authorized representative, the University is represented by the Head of the Administration, and the Administration shall be responsible for ensuring that all national laws and procedures in force in Country U relating to the exchange of biological material are respected. The Administration shall make reasonable efforts to inform individual researchers/investigators of the national laws and procedures relevant to this Agreement.


2.2 大学が権威ある代表者を指定していない場合は、大学行政の長によって代表される。大学行政は、生物材料の交換に関わる、U国で有効なすべての国内法および規則が尊重されることを保証する責任を負うことが合意されている。大学行政は、この契約に関連する国内法と規則について、個々 の研究者/調査者に知らせる合理的な努力をしなければならない。


3: Purpose

The primary purpose of this Agreement is to provide a framework for the exchange of selected biological material for the purposes of research and education.


第3条 目的



4: Ownership

4.1 Biological material exchanged in accordance with this Agreement, including any material contained or incorporated in modifications, wherever located, shall at all times be the property of the provider and shall not be used by, or transferred to, third parties without the knowledge, consent, and written authorization of the provider in accordance with the principles in the Convention on Biological Diversity. The ownership of any new intellectual property derived from material transferred under this Agreement shall be governed by the terms described in Article 7 of this Agreement. For the purpose of this MTA, the provider is defined as the Department or the University that has provided the biological material as defined in each Implementing Letter of Agreement and also defined in Article 5 of this Agreement.

[Note: In the absence of specific legislation vesting ownership of biological material held by research institutions, it is prudent to have it vested in the Faculty or University. The Faculty in both Parties’ countries need to rigorously follow the developments in the emerging access legislation and respond to any legal developments accordingly.]


第4条 所有権

4.1 修飾に用いられ含まれる任意の材料を含む、本契約に従い交換された生物材料は、常に、提供者の所有物である。生物多様性条約の原則に従い、所有者の 知識、同意、書面による承諾なくして、第三者に使用させたり移転したりしてはならない。本契約の下で移転された材料から派生した新しい知的財産の所有権は、本契約第7条の条件によって規定される。本MTA の目的のため、実施基本合意書あるいは本契約第5条で定義される生物材料を供給するものとして、学部や大学が供給者と規定される。




4.2 The Parties agree to refer to each other any requests for the use of material from third parties not defined under this MTA.

4.2 当事者が、本MTA の下で定義されていない第三者から材料利用要求に対してお互いに照会することに合意する。


5: Implementing Letter of Agreement

For all material to be exchanged or transferred under this Agreement, the Parties shall execute an Implementing Letter of Agreement (ILA), describing the nature of the material to be collected or transferred under this Agreement. Each ILA shall be concluded before any authorization for the transfer of material is granted. ILAs must contain the signatures of the relevant principal researchers that are providing and receiving the defined material in each ILA. The ILA must explicitly reference the rights and responsibilities of the Parties as defined by this MTA.

[The purpose of this section is to avoid a situation in which an MTA would need to be concluded for every single exchange of material. The section will accurately define the nature of the material that is transferred under each MTA.]


第5条 実施基本合意書




6: Conditions relating to the use of biological material

6.1 The Parties agree that the material collected and transferred under this agreement is to be used for teaching and academic research purposes.


第6条 生物材料の利用に関する条件

6.1 本契約書の元で収集され移転される材料は、教育及び学術研究目的に利用されることに当事者は合意している。


6.2 It is agreed that any other application or use of the material provided, including any modification thereof, for commercial purposes shall be allowed at the sole discretion of the provider. If either of the Parties wishes to use the material, or derivatives thereof, for purposes other than that described in Article 6.1 of this MTA, the authorization for such use shall be at the sole discretion of the providing institution as described in this MTA, and such authorization shall not be reasonably withheld.


6.2 商業目的のための変更等を含む、提供された材料の他の応用または使用は、提供者の裁量によってのみ可能となることに合意した。本契約の第6.1に記載されている以外の目的で、材料やその派生物の利用をどちらかの当事者が希望する場合、そのような使用承認は、本契約に記載された提供国側研究所の裁量によってのみ可能である。そして、その承認は理由なく保留されてはならない。


6.3 Each of the Parties agrees to comply with the terms of this Agreement. This includes any scientists or any person(s) of either Party who may come to possess the material in the ordinary course of his/her business as an employee of the Parties. Such person(s) shall not make available the material or any part thereof, or related information to any person(s) or third parties other than those personnel under the Parties’ immediate and direct control.


6.3 各当事者は本契約の条項に従うことに同意する。どちらかの当事者の従業員として通常業務を行う中で、材料を保有するかもしれないすべての科学者や職員も含まれている。このような人物は、その材料の一部や関連する情報を、当事者の直接の管理可能な人物以外の第三者やその他のものに利用させてはならない。


7: Intellectual Property Rights

Any inventions that are derived in whole or in part from the biological material transferred under this MTA shall be assigned in accordance with the relevant laws governing intellectual property. Each assignment shall (1) identify the provider of the material and (2) identify the country of origin of the material used in any commercialized product(s). The assignees of inventions of any commercialized product(s) shall negotiate a good faith, mutually acceptable agreement with the provider of the material, according to the principles set out in the Convention on Biological Diversity.


第7条 知的財産権

本MTA の下で移転された生物材料全体あるいは一部から得られたすべての発明は、知的財産権を規制する関連する法律に従って与えられなければならない。知財権付与は、(1)材料の提供者の同定と、(2)商品化製品で使用される材料の起源の国の同定を行わなければならない。すべての商品化製品に関する発明の譲受人は、生物多様性条約で定められた原則に従って、誠意をもって、相互に受け入れられる契約を材料提供者と交渉しなければならない。


8: Publication

Copyrighted publication generated from research exchanged under this agreement or extracted from biological material collected in the pursuance of this agreement shall not include any restrictions whatsoever regarding use of such publication by the Parties.


第8条 発表・出版



9: Duration of the Agreement

This MTA shall be valid until the end of 2001, according to the BIO-EARN project contract. The agreement may be renewed for a new BIO-EARN Programme period (2002–2005) upon mutual agreement of the contracting Parties.

第9条 本契約期間



10: Termination

10.1 Unless otherwise agreed, this MTA will terminate at the expiration of the present cooperation program.

・ The Parties shall remain bound to each other by the least restrictive terms applicable to the material obtained in the pursuance of the purposes of this Agreement, and any modifications thereof, in accordance with Article 7 of this Agreement.

  • The Parties will discontinue their use of the material and may destroy or return any remaining material to the country of origin.
  • If for any reason, either of the Parties wishes to terminate this Agreement before the completion of the research, each of the Parties agrees that it will to the other Party give written notice six months prior so as to enable the completion of ongoing research. Such written notice shall be provided to each representative of the Parties’ signatory to this Agreement.

第10条 終了

10.1 他に合意していない限り、本MTAは、現在の共同研究プログラムが満了すれば終了する。

・ 本契約の第7条に従い、目的の遂行で得られた材料や、その後の修飾に適用される制限条件はお互いに拘束されなければならない。

  • 当事者は材料の利用をやめ、それを破壊するか提供国に残りの材料を返還する。
  • どちらかの当事者が、この研究の完成前に、本契約を何らかの理由により、終了したいと考える場合、他の当事者に対して、研究を継続できるよう、6か月前の書面による通知を行うことに同意する。そのような書面による通知は、本契約の署名した代表者に届け出られなければならない。




10.2 Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted as having the effect of preventing or delaying the publication of research findings resulting from the use of the material or modification thereof.


10.2 材料の利用やその修飾によって生じる研究成果の出版を阻害したり、遅らせたりする効果を持つように、本契約を解釈してはならない。


11: Settlement of disputes

11.1 In the event that a dispute arises regarding the interpretation or application of the provisions of the Agreement, the Parties shall initially resolve their disputes in an amicable manner through consultations.

第11条 紛争解決

11.1 本契約の条項の解釈や適用に関して紛争が起こった場合、当事者は、コンサルタントを通じて友好的に紛争をまず解決しなければならない。


11.2 If the Parties fail to resolve their disputes amicably within a period of six months, they shall resort to arbitration.


11.2 6か月間以内に友好解決に失敗した場合、紛争は調停によって解決されるべきである。


11.3 Each Party shall nominate two arbitrators, and a fifth arbitrator shall be nominated by the United Nations Legal Affairs Office. The latter shall be the Chair of the Arbitral Tribunal. The decision of the arbitrators shall be final. Decision shall be passed by consensus. If consensus cannot be achieved, the decision shall be made by vote.

11.3 各当事者は2人の仲裁人を指名しなければならないし、国連法律事務が 5 番目の仲裁人を指名する。後者は仲裁裁判所の裁判長とする。仲裁人の決定は最終とする。決定は合意に基づいて渡される。合意が得られない場合は、決定は投票によって行われる。


12: Miscellaneous

The Parties acknowledge that the biological material provided in pursuance of this Agreement may have characteristics that are unknown or difficult to determine and which may be potentially hazardous. Neither Party makes any warranties, express or implied, as to the safety, quality, viability, or purity of the material, or its merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.


第12条 その他



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