表 1 素材移転契約に含めるべき一般的条項
Introductory provisions |
導入部 |
Preamble statement |
背景 |
Legal status of provider and user of genetic resources |
遺伝資源提供者と受領者の法的身分 |
Mandate of the provide and if appropriate the user |
提供のmandateと必要な場合利用者のmandate |
Access and Benefit Sharing provisions |
アクセスと利益配分条項部 |
Definitions |
定義 |
Descriptions of resources covered by the MTA |
MTAによってカバーされる遺伝資源の記述 |
Permitted uses, including potential uses of genetic resources and their products or derivatives under the MTA (eg. research, breeding, commercialization etc.) |
遺伝資源やその成果物あるいは派生物の潜在的利用を含むMTAで許可された利用(例:研究、育種、商用化など) |
Statement for information and permission needs for change of use than the original one intended at the time of access |
アクセス時に意図している初期の目的以上の利用の変更に対する情報と許可の必要性表明 |
Statement on IPR provisions and related conditions |
知的財産権条項と関連条項表明 |
Terms of benefit sharing arrangements, including commitments to share monetary and non-monetary benefits |
金銭的あるいは非金銭的利益の配分へのコミットを含む利益配分条項 |
Provisions for third party transfers and conditions related to these |
第三者移転条項とそれに関する条項 |
Responsibilities related to environmental impacts |
環境へのインパクトに関する責任条項 |
Legal provisions |
法的規定部 |
Obligations to comply with MTA |
MTA遵守義務 |
Duration of agreement |
契約期間 |
Notice to terminate the agreement |
契約終了通知 |
Clauses that might serve after termination of the agreement |
契約終了後の取り扱い条項 |
Enforceability of clauses |
条項の執行可能性 |
Description of events limiting liability of either party |
両者の責任制限事項の記載 |
Dispute settlement arrangements |
紛争解決手続 |
Assignment of transfer of rights Assignment, transfer or exclusion of the right to claim IPRs and property rights over the genetic resources received through the MTA |
権利の譲渡、移転 MTAを通じて入手した遺伝資源に対する知的財産権請求権の譲渡、移転、排除 |
Choice of law |
執行法の選択 |
Confidentiality clauses |
秘密保持条項 |
Warranty |
保証 |
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