提供国機関(SCO)とNCIの治療開発プログラム(DTP)がん治療と診断部門(DCTD)の間の覚書 |
The Developmental Therapeutics Program (DTP), Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD), National Cancer Institute (NCI) is currently screening synthetic compounds and natural product materials derived from plants, marine macro-organisms and micro-organisms as potential sources of novel anticancer drugs. The DTP is the drug discovery program of the NCI which is an Institute of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), an arm of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) of the United States Government. While investigating the potential of natural products in drug discovery and development, NCI wishes to promote the conservation and sustainable utility of biological diversity, and recognizes the need to compensate source country organizations and peoples in the event of commercialization of a drug developed from an organism collected within their countries’ borders.
DTP、DCTD、国立ガン研究所(NCI)は、現在、新規な制ガン剤の可能な起源として、植物、海洋のマクロ生物、および微生物から得られた自然生成物と合成品をスクリーニングしています。 DTPは、国立衛生研究所(NIH)(合衆国政府の保健・福祉省(DHHS)の下部機関)の内部一研究機関であるNCIに属する創薬プログラムです。 創薬と開発で天然産物の可能性を探索している間、NCIは、生物学的多様性の保全と持続可能な利用を促進することを願っている。提供国の境界の中で集められた生物から発達した医薬品の商業化の場合、提供国組織と住民を補償する必要性がと認めます。
DTP/NCI has an interest in investigating plants, terrestrial and marine micro-organisms and marine macro-organisms from [Source Country] and wishes to collaborate with the [Source Country Organization, SCO] in this investigation. DTP/NCI will make sincere efforts to transfer knowledge, expertise, and technology related to drug discovery and development to [SCO] in [Source Country, SC] (as the agent appointed by the [Source Country] Government), subject to the provision of mutually acceptable guarantees for the protection of intellectual property associated with any patented technology. [SCO], in turn, desires to collaborate closely with the DTP/NCI in pursuit of the investigation of [Source Country]’s plants, terrestrial and marine micro-organisms and marine macro-organisms and selected synthetic compounds subject to the following conditions and stipulations of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). [SCO] will perform the collection and processing of terrestrial plants, marine macro-organisms or micro-organisms as appropriate. It is understood that the [SCO] will be solely responsible for abiding by all source country’s access policies and requirements for prior informed consent in the performance of collections. The NCI bears no responsibility for any contravention of such policies by the [SCO].
DTP/NCIは、提供国の植物、陸上あるいは海洋の微生物やマクロ生物を調査するのに関心を持っている。そして、この調査で提供国と協力して作業する願望がある。DTP/NCIは、どのような特許で保護される技術に関連している知的財産の保護のための互いに許容できる保証の支給を条件として、提供国のSCO (提供国政府の任命した機関)で関連する、知識、専門的技術、および技術を移すための誠実な努力を行います。SCOは、本覚書(MOU)の約款を条件として、提供国の植物、陸上および海洋のマクロ生物または微生物、選択された合成品の収集と処理において、密接にDTP/NCIと協力する願望を持っている。SCOは、適切に、陸上植物、海洋のマクロ生物または微生物を収集し、処理する。SCOは、収集の実施にあたって提供国のアクセス政策や事前同意要件を守るのに唯一責任があることを理解されている。NCIはそのような政策のSCOによるどんな違反に対する責任も全く担いません。
1) On the basis of in-house screening results in its anticancer screens, [SCO] may select both synthetic compounds and extracts of plants, marine macro-organisms and micro-organisms (subject to previously determined limits as to numbers per year) for anticancer testing at DTP/NCI. If suitable in-house screens are not available at [SCO], a list of available materials may be sent to DTP/NCI.
1)制癌活性スクリーンのin-house選別結果に基づいて、合成化合物と植物の抽出、海洋生物および微生物(1年あたりの数に関する以前の決定した限界を条件とした)の両方を、SCOはDTP/NCIでの制癌性のテストのために選択するかもしれません。 適当なin-houseスクリーンがSCOで利用可能でないなら、利用可能な材料のリストをDTP/NCIに送るかもしれません。
2) Prior to submission of the materials, [SCO] will send a data sheet, to be held in confidence by DTP/NCI, on each material so that DTP/NCI may check its databases for records of prior submission to DTP/NCI.
2)材料の送付の前に、DTP/NCIの信頼にために、SCOが各材料に関するデータシートを送るので、DTP/NCIは、DTP/NCIへの以前の送付に関する記録のデータベースをチェックすることができる。 |
3) For pure compounds, the data sheet(s) will give pertinent available data as to chemical constitution, structure, available biological data including in-house screening results, solubility, toxicity and any precautions which need to be followed in handling, storage and shipping.
For crude extracts, data will be provided as to the source organism taxonomy, location and date of collection, any hazards associated with the organism, available biological data and any known medicinal uses of the organism/extracts.
4) DTP will inform [SCO] which of the materials are new to the program, and such materials will be shipped to DTP for screening. DTP will provide a record of the accession number for the materials. Quantities of materials required for initial testing are 5 mg for pure compounds and 10 mg for crude extracts.
4)DTPは、材料のどれがプログラムにとって新しいかをSCOに知らせる。そして、スクリーニングのためにその材料をDTPに出荷される。 DTPは材料の受入番号記録を提供する。 最初のテストに必要な材料の量は、純粋な化合物の場合5mg、生エキスの場合10mgである。
5) a) Data provided by [SCO] will be considered as confidential information of [SCO], if so labeled, and will be held confidentially by DTP/NCI, unless the data are otherwise available from public sources. No confidential information of [SCO] will be kept in files open to the public either by DTP/NCI, testing laboratories, or data processing facilities, all of which are U.S. government contractors. Only those employees directly engaged in the operation of DTP/NCI will have access to the files of information regarding the source and nature of confidential materials, unless the release of data about the materials is required under law or by court order. In the event of expiration of this agreement, the confidentiality of data provided by the [SCO] will be maintained. | 5)SCOによって提供されたデータは、そのようにラベルされるとSCOの秘密情報であるとみなされる。さらに、公共のソースからデータを得ることができないなら、DTP/NCIによって秘密に保持される。 SCOの非秘密情報は、全くそれのすべてが、米国の政府委託機関であるDTP/NCI、試験研究室、またはデータ処理施設によって公共に公開されたファイルとされる。材料に関するデータのリリースが法か裁判所命令によって要求されない限り、DTP/NCIの操作に直接従事している従業員だけが、機密資料ソースや性質に関する情報のファイルにアクセスする。この契約書が期限切れになったとしても、SCOによって供給されたデータの秘密性は保たれる。 |
b) All test results will be provided to [SCO] as soon as they are available, but not later than 270 days (nine months) from the date of receipt of the sample. If available, in vitro test results will be delivered within 90 days from receipt of the sample. [SCO] will be informed in writing of any delays beyond this period (270 days) together with an explanation of the reason(s) for delay.
b)全てのテスト結果は得られ次第270日(9か月)以内にSCOに供給される。可能ならば、in vitroのテスト結果はサンプルを入手してから90日以内に供給される。もし、270日以上に遅れる場合はその理由説明と共に書類にて送られる。
c) Unless the release of test results is required under law or by court order, the parties will keep the test results and subsequently-developed data confidential until published in accordance with Article 15 or until corresponding patent applications are filed in accordance with Article 9.
c)試験結果の報告が法あるいは裁判所命令によって要求されない限り、当事者は、テスト結果とその後開発されたデータの機密性を、15条に従った出版または第 9 に従った特許出願が提出されるまで、保持する。 |
6) Any extracts exhibiting significant activity will be further studied by bioassay-guided fractionation in order to isolate the pure compound(s) responsible for the observed activity. Such fractionation will be carried out in [SCO] laboratories. If [SCO] has no available bioassay, DTP/NCI may assist [SCO] to establish the necessary bioassay systems subject to the availability of the necessary resources. Alternatively, or in addition, suitably qualified designated [SCO] scientists may be sent to DTP/NCI for the isolation studies subject to the terms stated below in Article 7. In addition, DTP/NCI may assist the [SCO], thereby assisting the [Source Country], to develop the capacity to undertake drug discovery and development, including capabilities for the screening and isolation of active compounds from terrestrial and marine organisms. | 6)顕著な活性を示すどんな抽出物も、観察された活動の原因となる純粋な化合物を単利するためにバイオアッセイとリンクした分別法によってさらに研究される。そのような分別法はSCOの実験室で行われる。もし、SCOに利用可能なバイオアッセイがない場合、DTP/NCIは、必要な資源の有用性を条件として、SCOが必要なバイオアッセイ系を確立するのを補助します。あるいは、またはそれに追加して、適切に選ばれたSCOの研究者が、第7条に述べられた条件のもと、単離研究のためにDTP/NCIに送られることができる。さらに、DTP/NCIはSCOを援助し、創薬と開発を実施する能力を開発するために提供国を援助します。それには、陸上あるいは海洋生物から活性のある化合物のスクリーニングと単離のための能力を含んでいる。
7) Subject to the provision that suitable laboratory space and other necessary resources are available, DTP/NCI agrees to consider inviting senior technician(s) and/or scientist(s) designated by [SCO] to work in the laboratories of DTP/NCI or, if the parties agree, in laboratories using technology which would be useful in furthering work under this MOU. The duration of such visits would not exceed one year except by prior agreement between [SCO] and DTP/NCI. The designated visiting scientist(s) will be subject to provisions usually governing Guest Researchers at NIH. Cost-sharing and other conditions of visits will be negotiated in good faith prior to the arrival of the visiting scientist(s).
7)適当な実験室スペース他の必要なリソースは利用可能であることを条件として、DTP/NCIは、DTP/NCIの実験室、または、両者が合意するなら、このMOUのもとで更に進んだ研究を行うのに必要な技術を持つ実験室で、働くためにSCOによって任命された経験豊富な技術者、そして/または、科学者を招待することに同意する。SCOとDTP/NCIの間にあらかじめ取り決めがない場合を除き、滞在時間は1年間を越えない。指定された訪問科学者は、NIHではゲスト研究者を取り扱うのと同じ条件で取り扱う。訪問研究の費用の共同負担とその他の条件は、訪問科学者の到着前に誠実に交渉される。 |
8) In the event that an agent isolated and purified from materials provided by [SCO], and/or a synthetic compound provided by [SCO] meets the criteria established by the Drug Development Group (DDG) of NCI’s DCTD (DTP’s parent organization), which would include, but not be limited to, in vivo activity in rodent models, further development of the agent may be undertaken by DTP/NCI in agreement with the [SCO]. Further development of the specific agent may include but not be limited to analog development through medicinal and/or combinatorial chemistry, formulation, pharmacology and/or toxicology studies. Once an active agent is approved by DTP/NCI for preclinical development (i.e., has passed the DDG at Stage IIA), DTP/NCI may collaborate with [SCO] scientists in the development of the specific agent. | 8)SCOによって供給された材料から分離精製された化合物、そして/または、SCOによって提供された合成化合物が、NCIのDCTD(DTPの母体)のDrug Development Group(DDG)によって確立された評価基、例えば準齧歯動物モデルでのin vivo活性やそれ以外の活性も含むが、SCOと合意の上、化合物の更なる開発はDTP/NCIによって行われるだろう。特別の化合物の更なる開発とは、メディシナルケミストリーとコンビナトリアルケミストリーによる類縁体の開発、剤型設計、薬理学的あるいは毒性学的研究を含んでいる。活性のある化合物を前臨床開発へ前進させることをDTP/NCIによって承認されると、DTP/NCIはSCOの科学者とその活性のある化合物に開発を共同で行う。
9) Both [SCO] and DTP/NCI recognize that inventorship will be determined under patent law. DTP/NCI/NIH and [SCO] will, as appropriate, jointly seek patent protection on all inventions developed jointly under this MOU by DTP/NCI and [SCO] employees, and will seek appropriate protection abroad, including in [Source Country], if appropriate. Application for patent protection on inventions made by [SCO] employees alone will be the responsibility of [SCO]. Application for patent protection on inventions made by DTP/NCI employees alone will be the responsibility of DTP/NCI.
With respect only to those compounds that have been determined to possess such significant anti-cancer potential as to be scheduled for clinical trials by DCTD, the U.S. Government shall have a royalty-free, irrevocable, nonexclusive license to manufacture and/or use by or for the U.S. Government the invention(s) claimed in any patents that [SCO] may have or may obtain on such compounds or on a process for use of such compounds. However, this license will apply only to [SCO] patents that rely upon data generated by DTP/NCI or DTP/NCI testing laboratories. This license shall be only for medical research purposes related to or connected with the therapy of cancer. The term “medical research purposes” as used herein shall not include treatment of patients outside of clinical trials or commercial distribution of the compounds.
10) DTP/NCI will make a sincere effort to transfer any knowledge, expertise, and technology developed during such collaboration in the discovery and development process to [SCO], subject to the provision of mutually acceptable guarantees for the protection of intellectual property associated with any patented technology.
11) All licenses granted on any patents arising from the collaboration conducted under the terms of this MOU shall contain a clause referring to this MOU and shall indicate that the licensee has been apprised of this MOU.
12) Should an NCI/NIH patent on an agent discovered under this collaboration eventually be licensed to a pharmaceutical company for production and marketing, DTP/NCI will request that NIH/OTT require the licensee to negotiate and enter into agreement(s) with [SCO] and/or an appropriate [Source Country] Government agency(ies) within twelve (12) months from the execution of said license. The agreement(s) will address the concern on the part of the [Source Country] government that pertinent agencies, institutions and/or persons receive royalties and other forms of compensation, as appropriate.
Such terms will apply equally to inventions directed to a direct isolate from a natural product material, a product structurally based upon an isolate from the natural product material, a synthetic material for which the natural product material provided a key development lead, a derivative of a synthetic compound provided by [Source Country] or [SCO], or a method of synthesis or use of any aforementioned isolate, product, material or derivative; though the percentage of royalties negotiated as payment might vary depending upon the relationship of the marketed drug to the originally isolated product. It is understood that the eventual development of a drug to the stage of marketing is a long term process which may require 10-15 years.
13) In obtaining licensees, DTP/NCI/NIH will require the applicant for license to seek as its first source of supply the natural products available from [Source Country]. If no appropriate licensee is found who will use natural products available from [Source Country], or if [SCO] or their suppliers cannot provide adequate quantities of raw materials at a mutually agreeable fair price, the licensee will be required to pay to the [Source Country] Government or [SCO] as appropriate, compensation (to be negotiated) to be used for expenses associated with cultivation of medicinal organisms that are endangered or for other appropriate conservation measures. These terms will also apply in the event that the licensee begins to market a synthetic material for which a material from [Source Country] provided a key development lead.
14) Article 13 shall not apply to organisms which are freely available from different countries (i.e., common weeds, agricultural crops, ornamental plants, fouling organisms) unless information indicating a particular use of the organism (e.g., medicinal, pesticidal) was provided by local residents to guide the collection of such an organism from [Source Country], or unless other justification acceptable to both [SCO] and DTP/NCI is provided. In the case where an organism is freely available from different countries, but a phenotype producing an active agent is found only in [Source Country], Article 13 shall apply.
14)第13条は、生物がほかの国(例えば、ありふれた雑草、農産物、鑑賞用植物、汚損生物)でも自由に利用可能な場合は適用されない。ただし、その生物の特別の用途に関する情報が地域住民によって得られ、提供国のその生物を収集するガイドをしてくれた場合や、SCOとDTP/NCIの両方に許容できる他の正当な理由が提供されない場合、第13条は適用される。生物が異なった国から自由に利用可能ですが、活性化合物を生産する表現型が、提供国でしかみつけることができないときは、第13条は適用される。 |
15) Publication of data resulting from the collaboration under this MOU will be undertaken at times determined by agreement between [SCO] and DTP/NCI. Before either party submits a paper or abstract for publication, the other party shall have sixty (60) days to review and as necessary, file a patent application in accordance with Article 9.
15)このMOUの下に共同研究から生じるデータの公表は、SCOとDTP/NCIの間の申し合わせで決まった時に実施される。何れの当事者が公表のために論文か要約を提出する前に、他方は、レビューを行い、必要ならば第9条に従って、特許出願するための60日間を保持する。 |
16) It is the intention of NCI that [SCO] not be liable to DTP/NCI for any claims or damages arising from NCI’s use of the material provided by [SCO]; however, no indemnification for any loss, damage, or liability is intended or provided by any party under this MOU. Each party shall be liable for any loss, claim, damage or liability, that said party incurs, as a result of said party’s activities under this MOU, except that the NCI, as an agency of the United States, assumes liability only to the extent as provided under the Federal Tort Claim Act (28 U.S.C. § 171).
16)SCOによって供給された物質のNCIの使用から生ずるクレームや損害に対してSCOはDTP/NCIに責任を負わせるべきではないというのがNCIの意図である。しかしながら、どんな損失、損害のための補償や責任は、このMOUの下でどんな当事者によって意図するか、または提供されることはない。各当事者は、このMOUの下で行った活動の結果、それぞれの当事者が受けたどんな損失や負債、クレームや損害に責任をおうべきである。合衆国の政府機関のひとつとして、連邦政府のTort Claim条例(28米国C.§171)に基づき、NCIの責任の範囲は限定される。 |
18) [SCO] scientists and their collaborators may screen additional samples of the same materials for other biological activities and develop them for such purposes independently of this MOU. | 18)SCOの研究者とその協力者は他の生物活性のために同じ材料に関する追加サンプルをスクリーニングして、このMOUの如何にかかわらず、他の目的のためにそれらを開発することができる。
This MOU shall be valid as of the date of the final authorized signature below for an initial period of five (5) years, after which, it can be renewed by mutual agreement. It may be amended at any time subject to the written agreement of both parties. Copies of such amendments will be kept on file at both of the addresses indicated below. [SCO] and DTP/NCI are confident that this MOU will lay the basis for a mutually successful cooperation in discovering and developing new therapies in the treatment of cancer. | 以下の最終的なご署名の日付付けで、このMOUは5年間の間、有効になる。それ以後、相互の合意により延長できる。本契約書は、双方の合意文書をもっていつでも修正できる。 そのような修正文書のコピーは、以下で示されたアドレスにある両方の場所に保管される。 SCOとDTP/NCIは、このMOUが癌治療で新しい療法を発見して、開発することへの相互の良好な協力の基礎を築くと確信している。
For the [SCO]:
mailing and contact address: |
For the National Cancer Institute:
Andrew C. von Eschenbach, M.D. DDirector, National Cancer Institute
mailing and contact address: Technology Transfer Branch National Cancer Institute at Frederick NCI-Frederick Fairview Center, Suite 500 1003 – W. 7th Street Frederick, MD 21701-8512 Telephone: 301-846-5465 Facsimile: 301-846-6820
Copyright © National Institute of Genetics ABS Support Team for Academia All Rights Reserved.