Agreement on Access and Benefit Sharing for Non-Commercial Research
This document contains a sample agreement on mutually agreed terms (MAT) for Access to Genetic Resources and Sharing of Benefits, for the use by providers and non-commercial academic researchers. At the same time it provides a sample for the potential of model clauses within a sector specific approach; as comprised in Art. 15 of the Draft Protocol on ABS under the CBD.1 The agreement aims at creating transparent, and legally secure relations that are appropriate to the needs and intentions of all parties involved. The suggested terms and clauses are intended to meet the needs of both the providers of the genetic resources and the researchers seeking access. The agreement proposes language to ensures fair and equitable sharing of benefits.
この文書は、遺伝資源提供者と非商用で科学的な研究者が使えるように作成された、遺伝資源へのアクセスと利益配分に関する、相互の合意に基づく条項を含んだ合意文書の見本である。 同時に、この文書は、学術研究を目的とした、可能なモデル条項のサンプルを含んでいる。 全ての当事者のニーズと意図に合致するにふさわしい、透明性のある、かつ合法的に確実な関係を作ることを目的としている。提示された条項は、遺伝資源の提供者とアクセスを求める研究者のニーズを満たすことを意図している。この契約案は、公正かつ衡平な利益配分を保証する表現を提案している。
The agreement may be considered for use in various scenarios of access and benefit sharing, such as inventories of biodiversity; research in systematics, ecology and evolution; identification and isolation of active compounds; and genetic research.
The Agreement is adapted to the specific situation of non-commercial research sponsored by public funding. Its basic premise is that the Mutually Agreed Terms, as stipulated in CBD Art 15, are a bilateral contract concluded between providers and users, resulting from their fair negotiations on the terms of access and benefit sharing.
Involved parties are encouraged to take account of each others specific needs and circumstances, reflecting on the type of envisaged research (e.g. ecological vs. phytopharmacological research) and the specifics of the research (e.g. difficulties in identifying taxa, sharing of material). For the provider, this may include means to monitor the use of genetic resources.
We assumed the following basic scenario:
The resources are accessed by a researcher under the lead and responsibility of a research institute. The research is non-commercial, aiming at providing publicly available results. The results have therefore to be published. Unexpected research results may trigger reflections towards their utilisation in a commercial context. Benefits are non-monetary as a rule. They usually accrue during the research process. Genetic resources might be transferred to third parties under a framework of customary cooperation by research institutes. |
遺伝子資源は研究者と研究機関の指導と責任よりアクセスされる。 研究は非営利目的の研究であり、公共が利用可能な結果をめざす。結果は出版される。 予期せぬ研究結果が、商用目的に利用される方向に向かうきっかけになる。 利益は、ルールとして非金銭的である。利益は、研究過程の中で発生する。 遺伝資源は、研究機関間の慣習の枠組みの中で第三者機関に移転することができる。
The analysis of research types and access situations carried out by the ABS-team led to the following conclusions:
The Agreement takes account of various research activities by proposing options for the following conditions:
1. Different situations (e.g. access to genetic resources vs. access to related traditional knowledge; access to specified taxa vs. the need to identify the samples after collection);
2. Different models of research cooperation; and diverse needs to monitor the implementation of the agreement;
3. Specific aspects of academic research, such as the need to publish results and the exchange of data, storage and accessibility of samples etc.
1. 遺伝資源へのアクセス、伝統的知識へのアクセス、特定の分類群へのアクセス、収集後にサンプル同定が必要な場合などの異なった状況
2. 異なった共同研究形態、契約実施の監視に対する様々なニーズ
3. 成果の報告出版の必要性、データ交換の必要性、試料の保存と第三者利用可能性など学術研究の特徴 |
How to use the Agreement
The Agreement on Access to Genetic Resources and Sharing of Benefits (ABS) for Non-commercial Academic Research containing Model Clauses is based on the conviction that mutually agreed terms are a contract that needs to be negotiated and concluded between the parties, i.e. the providers and the users of genetic resources. The proposed Agreement provides a tool-box for composing a contract on mutually agreed terms tailored to accommodate the needs of the stakeholders. We recommend that both parties possess the full text of the Agreement in order to foster discussions on options and provide solutions to disagreements that might arise.
The Agreement consists of different types of clauses:
1) General clauses, like the preamble, or the definition of the purpose (article 4); 2) Clauses on substantive issues (articles 5 to 17); 3) Clauses on procedural issues.
Most of the clauses on substantive issues offer a basic clause (marked green in the sample agreement) and include options that can be added to the basic clause or used as a stand-alone solution. Other clauses offer only options to choose from as needed. |
1)前文や目的 (第 4 条) の定義のような一般的な条項 2)本質的な問題に対する条項 (第5 条から第 17条) 3)手続きに関する条項
本質的な問題に関する条項の大部分について、 (サンプル契約の中ではグリーン マーク) 基本的な条項を提供する。基本的な条項に追加または独立した解決策として使用することができるオプション条項がある。他の条項は、必要に応じて、選択可能なオプションのみを提供している。
In drafting the Agreement, we intended to cover most issues that might arise in the relationship between providers and non-commercial public researchers. The basic clauses by themselves may form a full contract for simple non-commercial research situations. Not all cases will need all clauses; each agreement must be modelled according to the specific needs of the parties engaged in the negotiations. The Agreement is therefore made freely available as Word Document under a Creative Commons Licence that allows for changes in the document.
The purpose of this Agreement is to set out the conditions for the use of genetic resources, any associated Traditional Knowledge (TK) and the sharing of resulting benefits between the parties concerned in accordance with the Convention on Biological Diversity (the CBD), particularly in respect with the principles established under its Articles 1, 8(j), 15, and the Bonn Guidelines. |
生物多様性条約(CBD)、特にその第1条、第8(j)条、第15条と、ボン・ガイドラインのもとで確立された原則に従って、この契約の目的は、遺伝資源、それに付随する伝統的知識 (TK)の利用と、結果として得られる利益の関連する当事者間の配分の条件を設定することある。
The Agreement contains Mutually Agreed Terms (MAT) according to Article 15.7 CBD.
契約には、生物多様性条約第15.7条に従って、相互に合意した条件 (MAT) を含む。
The Agreement is designed to promote non-commercial academic research, such as research in taxonomy, ecology, biochemistry and genetics, and to foster conservation and the environmentally sound and sustainable use of genetic resources.
Its objective is to provide a sound basis for cooperation, transparency, communication and trust between the parties to the Agreement, taking account of the concerns of both providers and users of genetic resources.
この契約書の目的は、遺伝資源の提供者と利用者双方の懸念を考慮して、当事者間の協力、透明性、意思疎通、信頼に確固たる基盤を与えることである。 |
1. Parties to the Agreement
The Agreement is entered into on [insert the date] by and between
[insert the name and details of the following:
..State and Institution (competent ABS national authority)
..The contact person responsible for the implementation of the Agreement on behalf of the institution]
together hereinafter referred to as the Provider.
[insert the name and details of
..The responsible research institution
..The representative of the research institution responsible for the implementation of the Agreement]
Represented by the authorized head or member of the research team; authorized researcher [insert the name and details of researcher].
together hereinafter referred to as the “User”.
1. 本契約の合意者
研究チームの責任者あるいは研究メンバー 又は、研究責任者「名前、詳細」
以後利用者として取り扱われる。 |
2. Prior Informed Consent
Option 2.1
The Agreement is based on the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) issued beforehand by the Provider to the User for the access to the genetic resources concerned. The PIC document is attached to this Agreement and is considered an integral part of the Agreement.
2. 事前の情報に基づく合意
Option 2.2
The Provider hereby confirms that he/she has been informed on the research project by the User and consents to provide access to genetic resources in situ and/or ex situ necessary to carry out the research in accordance with the research project attached to this Agreement.
3. The Purpose of the Agreement
The purpose of this Agreement is to specify the terms for 1. Accessing genetic resources, 2. Their utilization in accordance with the PIC, 3. Their possible transfer to third parties, and 4. For sharing the benefits resulting from the utilization of genetic resources.
3. 本契約の目的
この契約の目的は以下の条件を特定することである。 遺伝資源へのアクセス PICに従い遺伝資源を利用 遺伝資源の第三者への分譲の可能性 遺伝資源の利用から生じる利益を配分
4. Terminology
In this Agreement the terms defined in Article 2 CBD shall have the same meaning, unless otherwise defined in this article.
4.1 Genetic Resources
Genetic Resources means genetic material of actual or potential value.
4.1 遺伝資源
Option 4.1.1
Genetic Material means any material of plant, animal, microbial or other origin containing functional units of heredity. |
Option 4.1.2
The term “Genetic Material” includes living and dead resources. |
Option 4.1.3
The term “Genetic Material” includes derivatives as defined below. |
4.2. Derivatives
Option 4.2.1
Derivatives means products based on Genetic Resources and generated through techniques such as expression, replication, characterization or digitalization.
4.2. 派生物
Option 4.2.2
Derivatives mean substances created from Genetic Resources that are substantially modified to have new properties. |
4.3 Commercialization
Commercialization means the use of the Genetic Resource for the generation of any kind of actual or potential economic profit. It means in particular any sale, lease, licensing of the Genetic Resource, and/or Products generated from its use through actions such as filing a patent application, obtaining intellectual property rights or other tangible or intangible rights. It includes any transfer of the Genetic Resource to a for profit organization.
4.3 商用化
商用化は、あらゆる種類の現実のまたは潜在的な経済的利益の生成ために遺伝資源を使用することを意味します。 商用化は、特に、遺伝資源、および/又は、特許の出願、知的財産権、またはその他有形、無形の権利の取得などの活動を通じて、遺伝資源の利用から発生した製品の販売、リース、ライセンスを意味する。 商用化は、営利機関への遺伝資源の移転も含まれる。
4.4 Mutually Agreed Terms (MAT)
The Mutually Agreed Terms are an agreement negotiated between the Provider and the User of the Genetic Resources and/or holders of Traditional Knowledge associated to the Genetic Resources according to the national law of the country providing the resources. The MAT regulate conditions for the access to the Genetic Resources and to their associated Traditional Knowledge and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits that result from their use. They are adapted to the specific access situation.
4.4 相互に合意する条件(MAT)
4.5 Traditional Knowledge
Option 4.5.1
Traditional Knowledge is the accumulated knowledge that is vital for the conservation and sustainable use of biological resources and/or which is of socioeconomic value, and which has been developed over the years in indigenous/local communities.
4.5 伝統的知識
Option 4.5.2
Traditional Knowledge means “information or individual or collective practices of an indigenous or local community associated with the genetic heritage having real or potential value”. |
4.6 Prior Informed Consent (PIC)
Prior Informed Consent means the unilateral declaration of the Provider that he/she has been informed about the planned research and that he/she is willing to provide the required access to the Genetic Resource. |
4.6 事前の情報に基づく同意
4.7 Product
Product means the result produced, obtained, extracted or derived from the Genetic Resource through research or research & development (R&D) activities, including data and information generated through analyses of the Genetic Resources. |
4.7 製品
4.8 Progeny
Progeny means unmodified offspring from the Genetic Resource |
4.8 子孫
子孫とは、遺伝資源から生じたのと同じ生物である。 |
4.9 Third Party
Third Party means any person or institution other than the Provider, the User and any collaborator under their control or supervision. A Third Party is not bound to the terms and conditions of this Agreement unless otherwise agreed with the User.
4.9 第三者機関
4.10 Unauthorized Person
Unauthorized Person means any person that came into possession of the Genetic Resources without the authorization of the User.
4.10 許可されない者
5. Genetic Resources to be accessed
The User shall have access to the following Genetic Resource(s): [Insert list of the Genetic Resources to be accessed].
5. アクセス可能な遺伝資源
Option 5.1
Since the species/strains present at the collection site are not know to the User at the time of concluding this Agreement, a general account of species/strains most likely to be collected is given in Annex XX. A list of the collected samples according to the researcher’s field-notes is presented to the Provider within XX months after having gathered the samples. |
本契約の締結時に、実際の採取地で存在する種/系統を利用者に知らされていないので、採取する可能性が最も高い種/系統の一般的な説明を別添 XXに示される。研究者のフィールドノートに基づく収集したサンプルのリストは、サンプル収集後XXヶ月以内に提供者に示される。
Option 5.2
If the collected samples cannot be identified in the list of collected samples within the above prescribed period, their identification has to be shared with the User as soon as it is available.
6. Utilization
The Material may be utilized for non-commercial purposes including for academic research and collections, and for training, teaching and education. The User must comply with the User’s and Provider’s national regulations and with relevant international law. The utilization of the Material or derived information for any type of Commercialization is prohibited.
6. 利用
Option 6.1
The Genetic Material shall be used exclusively for the following purposes: [insert allowed activities and/or uses]. |
7. Change in Utilization from Non-commercial to Commercial
The Commercialization of the Genetic Material and related information is prohibited. Any change in utilization from non-commercial to commercial shall require a new Prior Informed Consent in writing issued by the Provider. In this case, the terms of such Commercialization shall be subject to a separate agreement (MAT) between the involved parties.
7. 非商用から商用への利用変換
8. Transfer of Genetic Resources (and associated TK) to Third Parties
Transfer of the Genetic Resources for the purposes of academic research and collections, and for training, teaching and education, or any other non-commercial activities is allowed under the condition that the User ensures that the subsequent person or institution (Third Party) is informed about the provisions under this Agreement and undertakes to pass on the Genetic Resources under the same obligations to any further recipient. |
8. 第三者機関への遺伝資源とそれに付随する伝統的知識の移転
学術研究とコレクション、トレーニング、教育と指導、またはその他の非商用活動を行うために、遺伝資源の移転は、本契約の利用者が保障する条件下で、許可される。その条件とは、以降の研究者または機関 (第三者機関) が、本契約の規定を通知され、更なる移転者に渡す場合に、同様の義務の下で遺伝資源を移転することを約束する場合に限られる。
Option 8.1
The User delivers to the Provider annually a list of the Third Parties to whom the Genetic Resource was transferred to. |
Option 8.2
The User shall maintain retrievable records of any transfer of the Genetic Resources to Third Parties under the conditions corresponding to this Agreement. |
Option 8.3
The User shall require the Third Party to sign an agreement containing identical obligations on Use and Transfer of the Genetic Resources (and associated TK) as set out in this Agreement.
利用者は、第三者機関に対して、本契約で設定された遺伝資源 (および関連する TK)の利用と移転に関する同一の義務を含む契約書に署名することを要求しなければならない。
Option 8.4
The Genetic Resources [and their associated TK] may be transferred to Third Parties only after having obtained the written consent of the Provider and in accordance with Mutually Agreed Terms between the Provider and the Third Party. Excempted is a temporary transfer of the Genetic Resource to taxonomic specialists for scientific identification.
遺伝資源(とその関連する TK)は、提供者による書面による同意と、提供者と第三者機関の間の相互に合意した条件に従っての書面による同意を得たあとでのみ第三者機関に転送可能となる。科学的同定のために分類学的専門家への遺伝資源の一時的な移転は例外とされる。
Option 8.5
The User is entitled to deposit the Genetic Resources in collections that are accessible without restrictions for research purposes such as herbaria, museums and culture collections. |
Option 8.6
If the Genetic Resources are transferred to an ex situ collection of living Genetic Resources for educational purposes (such as zoos, botanic gardens), this institution is – in addition to the obligations of this Agreement – obliged to take any appropriate precautions to prevent the Genetic Resource coming into the possession of any Unauthorized Person.
Option 8.7
If the use or storage of the Genetic Resource is subject to special conditions or restrictions, such conditions/ restrictions have to be clearly indicated on the label or otherwise linked to the sample, when transferring the Genetic Resource to Third Parties, including the indication of where the information concerning the special conditions/restrictions can be found.
9. Benefit Sharing
The benefits arising from the access and use of the Genetic Resources shall be shared fairly and equitably by the User, in accordance with the principles established in the CBD. Basic benefits to be shared include:
9. 利益配分
1. The offer to the Provider to include local researchers in the research activities, if such interest exists. | 1. 関心がある場合、研究活動へ地域の研究者を参加させるよう提供者に申し出ること |
2. In case of publications or oral presentation of the research results, full acknowledgement is to be given to the source of the Genetic Resource; | 2. 研究結果の出版や口頭発表に場合、遺伝資源の源(source)に対して最大限の謝辞を表明する。 |
3. If TK associated to the Genetic Resources is involved, the research results published or presented orally will include full acknowledgement of the source of the Genetic Resources and the TK, if so required by the providers. | 3. 遺伝資源に付随する伝統的知識がある場合、研究結果の出版や口頭発表は、もし、提供者によって要求されたなら、遺伝資源と関連する伝統的知識のSourceに最大限の謝辞を含める。 |
4. The Provider will receive a copy of all publications; | 4. 提供者はすべての出版のコピーを保有する。 |
5. Research results will be communicated to involved stakeholders (e.g. communities, indigenous people) in an adequate manner and according to reasonable requirements of the Provider; | 5. 研究の結果は、適切な方法で、かつ提供者の合理的な要求に従って、地域社会や先住民などの利害関係者に伝達される。 |
6. If applicable, share duplicate specimens with the repository in the Provider country in accordance with good scientific practice.In addition, the User agrees to share the following benefits:
[Choose from the list of benefits appended to this Agreement; insert a detailed lists of benefits here or in an annex]
6. 必要に応じて、優れた科学的習慣に従って、提供国のリポジトリと標本を重複して保存する。更に、利用者は次の利益を配分することに同意する。
10. Rights and Obligations of the Provider
The Provider defined in Article 1 is the responsible contact point for the User for the entire duration of the present Agreement. The Provider has the obligation to facilitate access to the Genetic Resources. This includes the facilitation of the acquisition of other permits required in accordance with the relevant national or regional regulations in the Provider country as well as export permits. |
10. 提供者の権利と義務
本契約のすべての期間にわたり、本契約第1条で同定された提供者は、利用者のコンタクトポイントとなる。 提供者は、遺伝資源へのアクセスを促進する義務がある。これには、提供国の関連する国や地方の規制に従って要求されるその他の許可証や輸出許可証の円滑な取得が含まれる。
Option 10.1
The Provider designates the following institution [insert the relevant institution] as the responsible contact point for the User for the entire duration of the present Agreement. Contact details of the technical contact point are provided in Annex [XX] to this Agreement. The Provider has the right to receive information on the state of the research from the User as agreed upon (see Article 12 on Reporting). |
提供者は、次の機関(名前を入れる)を、本契約の有効期間を通じて利用者のコンタクトポイントとして指名する。 技術的なコンタクトポイントの詳細は、本契約書のAnnexに示されている。 第12条の報告に示されたように、提供者は合意に基づいて利用者から研究状況に関する情報を入手する権利を持つ。 |
Option 10.2
The Provider requests that the following analytical parts as set out in the project are performed in the providing country: [insert a list of analyses to be performed in the Provider’s country]. The Provider confirms that all necessary conditions (equipment, staff and consumables) for conducting the analyses are available; The User confirms that he/she has the necessary resources (funding, time) for such an arrangement.
提供者は、プロジェクトで決定された次の分析部分を提供国で実施することを要求する。(提供国で実施される分析のリスト) 提供者は、分析を実施するのに必要なすべての条件(分析機器、技術者、消耗品)が利用可能であることを確認する。 利用者は、実験を実施するのに必要な資源(資金、時間)を提供者が持っていることを確認する。
11. Rights and Obligations of the User
The User is entitled to administrative support and guidance to facilitate the acquisition of the necessary permits required by the Providing country. The User shall not use the Genetic Resource nor derivatives generated in the research for any commercial purposes, nor shall the User commercialize any Product derived from the Genetic Resource, unless with the written consent of the Provider. The User is obliged to take all reasonable precautions to prevent the Genetic Resource coming into the possession of any Unauthorized Person. The User is obliged to inform the Provider about any unforeseen research results that are of potential commercial interest, prior to any disclosure of this information to the public.
11. 利用者の権利と義務
利用者は、提供国で要求される許可証の取得を促進するための行政支援や案内に対する権利を持っている。 利用者は、提供者の書面による同意なくして、遺伝資源や研究によって生じたその派生物を営利目的に利用してはならないし、遺伝資源から得られたあらゆる製品を商用化してはならない。 利用者は、遺伝資源を無許可の者の所有物になることを防止するあらゆる合理的な注意を払う義務がある。 利用者は、潜在的な商用化の可能性のある予期せぬ研究成果について、公開前に、提供者に通知する義務がある。
Option 11.1
If the research implies TK associated to the Genetic Resource, the User is obliged to respect any relevant international law and the national and regional regulations in the Provider’s country, and has to proceed according to the instructions of the Provider. In any case the User is obliged to respect the customary law of the holders of the TK and has to apply ethical standards. |
オプション 11.1
研究が、遺伝資源に関連した TK を含む場合は、利用者は、関連する国際法と提供国の国や地域の規制を尊重する義務がある。提供者の指示に従って行動する必要がある。いかなる場合においても、利用者は TK の所有者の習慣法を尊重する義務があり、倫理基準を適用する必要がある。
Option 11.2
Corresponding to national law the User will conclude an ancillary contract with the holders of TK and/or the private land owners of the genetic resources. The ancillary contract forms an integral part of this Agreement. |
オプション 11.2
国内法に従えば、利用者は、TK の所有者、および/または、遺伝資源のある民間の土地所有者と補助的な契約が締結される。補助的な契約は、本契約の必須の部分を形成する。
12. Data Sharing
The User agrees that the Provider has the right to access the following data resulting from the research:
The User shall facilitate access to the above defined data for the Provider. The Provider agrees that for using the data in his own research, he needs the consent of the User. |
12. データの共有
提供者が研究の結果生ずる次のデータにアクセスする権利があることに合意する。 [データタイプのリスト]
Option 12.1
Given the cooperative approach to the research, the Provider and the User agree in a separate agreement on the use of the data, annexed to this Agreement [Annex XX] and forming its integral part.
13. Reporting
The User will deliver a written report in accordance with the Provider´s instructions as to its structure, information included, etc, upon his/her request.
13. 報告
Option 13.1
The User shall submit an annual written report on the research accomplished. |
オプション 13.1
Option 13.2
Upon request of the Provider, the User submits a written report on the research accomplished. |
オプション 13.2
Option 13.3
Upon request of the Provider, the User submits an annual written report on the research accomplished. The report shall include a list of Third Persons to whom the Genetic Material has been transferred. |
オプション 13.3
Option 13.4
Since the Provider is a private citizen, upon his/her request, the report is translated into the local language by the User and adapted to a non-scientific audience.
オプション 13.4
14. Intellectual Property Rights
The User shall not claim any intellectual property rights over the Genetic Resource in the form received.
If the User wants to obtain intellectual property rights on research results such act shall be treated as change in utilization and thus shall be regulated under Article 7 of the present Agreement.
If the Provider wishes to obtain IPR on research results, such act shall be treated as change in utilization and shall be regulated under Article 7 of the present Agreement. In particular the ownership of the IPR and the distribution of the value derived from the IPR are to be negotiated.
14. 知的財産権
利用者が研究成果について知的財産権を取得したい場合、そのような行為は、利用の変更とみなされ、本契約第7条 の下で規制しなければならない。
利用者が研究成果について知的財産権を取得したいと希望する場合、そのような行為は、利用の変更とみなされ、本契約第7条 の下で規制しなければならない。特に、知的財産の所有権と知的財産から派生する価値の分配は交渉事項となる。
15. Publications
The User has the right to publish the results of the research related to the Genetic Resource according to Article 6 of the present Agreement, and according to good scientific practice. The origin of the Genetic Resource has to be acknowledged.
15. 出版
Option 15.1
The User has the right to publish the results of the research related to the Genetic Resource according to good scientific practice. The origin of the Genetic Resource has to be acknowledged, as well as the sources of TK associated with the Genetic Resource.
Option 15.2
The holder of TK associated to the Genetic Material has the right to request confidentiality of specific information [describe the information subject to confidentiality] such as for spiritual reasons; to prevent the depletion of the genetic resources; and/or to prevent unsafe/hazardous applications of the TK in the health sector. |
Option 15.3
If the User, in the course of the research, discovers any unforeseen commercial potential of the Genetic Material, he/she is obliged to share such information with the Provider prior to any publication of such information. If the Provider intends to pursue a potential commercialization, this is subject to negotiations between the Provider and the User according to Article 7. The Provider agrees not to hold up the User’s research work unless concerns are concrete and justified in terms of well-defined proprietary interest.
Option 15.4
If the User is prevented from publishing the results of the research due to the Provider’s wish to obtain a patent over the research results, the Provider shall file the patent application within [XX] months. After the agreed period, if the Provider has failed to file a patent application, the User has the right to proceed with the publication of the research.
研究結果に対して特許を取得したいという提供者の意志のため、利用者が研究成果を公開するのを禁止された場合、提供者は[XX] ヶ月以内に特許出願を提出しなければならない。提供者が特許出願提出をしなかった場合、合意された期間の後、利用者は研究成果の公開を続ける権利がある。
16. Handling of the Genetic Material after Termination of the Agreement
Upon completion of the project, Genetic Material will be stored or disposed of according to the utilization agreed under Article 6.
16. 契約の満了後の遺伝物質の取り扱い
Option 16.1
If the Genetic Material has been placed in storage, or in public collections, upon expiration of the Agreement or its termination, the Genetic Material may be available for use only under the same conditions as contained in this Agreement. |
17. Duration and Termination of the Agreement
The present Agreement shall end on [insert the date] and may be renewed upon the mutual agreement of the Parties. |
17. 契約の満了期間
Option 17.1
The present Agreement shall be deemed to be in force until the Genetic Material is returned to the satisfaction of the Provider upon completion of the Project. Regarding the Genetic Material related information, the present Agreement shall be subject to any associated rights, such as copyright or trade secrets.
オプション 17.1
Option 17.2
When a Party to the present Agreement wants to terminate the Agreement prior to the completion of the Project, the Party shall give written notice [XX] months in advance. The present Agreement may be terminated at any time by mutual agreement of the Parties. The present Agreement may be terminated immediately, in case of its breach. |
オプション 17.2
プロジェクトの完了の前に、本契約の片方の当事者が、本契約を終了したいと希望する時、その当事者は、[XX] 箇月前に書面による通知をしなければならない。本契約は、当該当事者の合意によって、いつでも終了可能である。本契約に違反がある場合、本契約は直ちに終了される可能性がある。
18. Settlement of Disputes
The Parties agree to make attempts in good faith to negotiate the resolution of any disputes that may arise under this Agreement. If the Parties are not able to resolve a dispute within a period of [XX] months, such dispute shall be finally settled by an arbiter to be mutually agreed between the Parties. |
18. 紛争解決
当該当事者は、本契約下で生じるすべての紛争の解決に誠意をもって交渉しようとすることに合意する。当該当事者が、[XX] ヶ月の期間内に紛争を解決できない場合は、当事者間で合意する調停者によって最終解決されるものとする。
Option 18.1
If the Parties are not able to resolve any dispute within a period of [XX] months, such dispute shall be resolved before the [XXXX] Court law as the only competent body for resolving disputes arising under this Agreement and in accordance with [XXX]. [Insert applicable Law; Jurisdiction]
オプション 18.1
当該当事者が、[XX] ヶ月の期間内にすべての紛争を解決できない場合、そのような紛争は、本契約と[XXX]に従って、発生した紛争を解決する唯一の審査権を有する機関として [XXXX] 裁判所法のもとで解決されなければならない。 [適用される関連法、裁判権]
19. Other Provisions | 19. その他の条項 |
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